Display on hover

In the previous lesson, we learned how to create a Tooltip component, position it correctly, and design its API.

Now, let’s make it appear only on hover!

4 minutes read

1️⃣ Internal State

The first thing we need is an internal state, created with the useState hook.

This state can be null when nothing is hovered. If the user hovers over a graph marker, its value becomes an object of type InteractionData, storing everything we need to know about the marker!

// Initialize an internal state
const [interactionData, setInteractionData] = useState<InteractionData | null>(null);

2️⃣ Updating the State on Hover

The setInteractionData function allows us to update this state. We can use it to update interactionData whenever a graph marker is hovered over!

For example, if the marker is a circle, as in a scatterplot, the code might look like this:

  onMouseEnter={() => // Each time the circle is hovered hover...
    setInteractionData({ // ... update the interactionData state with the circle information
      xPos: 250,
      yPos: 150,
      name: "hello",
  onMouseLeave={() => setInteractionData(null)} // When the user stops hovering, reset the interactionData to null


3️⃣ Conditionally Render the Tooltip

The Tooltip component takes interactionData (the internal state) as a prop.

If interactionData is null, the component returns nothing, so the tooltip appears only when interactionData has a value—i.e., when the user hovers over a marker.

Don’t forget to add pointerEvents: "none" to the div that wraps the Tooltip component! Otherwise, the onMouseEnter() event on SVG elements won’t be triggered.

Scatterplot minimal example

Let's apply what we learnt on a scatterplot, creating a minimal tooltip:


Scatterplot with tooltip. Hover over a circle to get the corresponding country name.
