Introduction to scales

Building a graph requires to transform a dimension (a numeric variable in your dataset) in a position in pixels. This is done using a fundamental dataviz concept called scale.

Before implementing it in the next lesson, let's describe a bit what this crucial concept of dataviz is.

4 minutes read

Test your intuition

Let's test your intuition with the following exercise.

  • 1️⃣ You have a SVG area with a width of 500px.
  • 2️⃣ You can place circles anywhere along this area horizontally.
  • 3️⃣ You have a dataset with 5 values: 0, 50, 60, 82, 100

How do you position your circles to represent this dataset? Drag the circles below following your intuition:

Note: the number in each circle represents its value in the dataset.

05060821000 px250 px500 px

How it actually works

The obvious part:

→ For a value of 0, the circle should be placed at the extreme left of the SVG. This corresponds to cx = 0px.

→ For the highest value in the dataset, 100, the circle should be positioned at the extreme right of the SVG. This corresponds to cx = width (i.e., 500px).

→ For a value of 50, which is the midpoint of our dataset, the circle should be positioned at the center of the SVG. This corresponds to cx = width / 2 (i.e., 250px).

The math part:

For a value of 82, which is not an exact midpoint, you need to calculate the position proportionally.

The position can be calculated as:

// Linear scale equation
cx = (value / maxValue) * width

// cx = (82 / 100) * 500
// cx = 410px

The Great News 🎁

Manually calculating positions for each data point would be incredibly tedious for every graph you create.

Fortunately, d3.js provides a function called scaleLinear() that handles this task for you. In the next lesson, we'll explore how it works and simplifies your data visualization process.